Agenda 29th November 2023

Please find the agenda for the next meeting on the 29th November to be held in the Kilmartin Museum. Please note that there is a change of start time to this meeting. The meeting will start at 7pm. This is to allow additional time for agenda item 2. We have been asked by the council, to collate a list of questions following the recent flooding. All members of the public are welcome.

If anyone cannot attend please email before the 29th November with any comments/ questions you wish to make.

Micro grants

Did you know that individuals and community groups can apply to Dunadd Community Council for a micro grant of up to £250.

The grant can be used for anything that has a community benefit – eg community activities, training courses (that benefit the community), community and school events.

Some of the grants we have awarded this year include – a new notice board in Kilmartin, new pads for defibrillators in Ford and Kilmartin and book swap.

If you would like to apply for a grant, please email with a covering letter stating what you are looking for and how this will benefit the community. Decisions are made at the next meeting following the receipt of application.

Thank you.

Planning Applications

Please find links below to the most recent planning applications –


23/01367/PP | Change of use of former church to form dwellinghouse, formation of vehicular access and driveway, erection of garage/carport, formation of opening in boundary wall to provide pedestrian access and associated works | Kilmichael Glassary Parish Church Kilmichael Glassary Argyll And Bute (


23/01369/LIB | External and internal alterations to former church to form dwellinghouse including formation of opening in boundary wall to provide pedestrian access and associated works | Kilmichael Glassary Parish Church Kilmichael Glassary Argyll And Bute (


23/01393/NMA | Non material amendment to planning application 18/01327/PP (Erection of dwellinghouse, installation of sewage treatment plant and formation of access) – amended vehicular access | Land North West Of Carnach Kilmichael Glen Lochgilphead Argyll And Bute PA31 8QL (


23/01395/PNWAY | Formation of forest track | Ormaig Woodland Kilmartin Argyll And Bute (


23/01167/PAWAY | Formation of forest track (355m in length) | Eredine Woodland East Lochaweside Argyll And Bute (


23/01294/PAWAY | Formation of forest track | Ducharnan Kilmichael Glen Lochgilphead Argyll And Bute PA31 8QL (

Dunadd Community Council – meeting to discuss windfarm Community Benefits/ Shared Ownership schemes

When:  Thursday 18th May 2023

Where: Ford Village Hall

Time:    6pm – 7pm

Dunadd Community Council have been discussing Community Benefit/ Shared Ownership schemes that can come from windfarm developments.  These discussions have focussed on ensuring that funds are used equitably.

As a result of discussions Dunadd Community Enterprise have offered to manage the receipt of applications, conduct due diligence and make recommendations to a separate decision making body made up of residents on proposals.  This is the process that is used in Tarbert & Skipness.  Other options could be to have the funds held by an organisation like Foundation Scotland.

We would like to invite all residents of Dunadd (Kilmichael, Kilmartin, Slockavullin, Ford and the environs) along to get views on how Community Funds should be managed.  This is purely an information gathering session. 

If you are unable to attend the meeting please email any feedback to

Further information can be found here –

Executive Summary – Community benefits from onshore renewable energy developments – (

Shared Ownership of Onshore Renewable Energy Developments – (

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