A’Cruach Community Fund

There are two different types of awards 
Community Fund
Micro grants

Micro grant

Applications can be made by any individual or group and only requires an accompanying letter to explain what the  grant is for.
Dunadd Community Council can award up to 10 ‘micro grants’ of no more than £250 each per year for projects that would benefit the community.

Use this fund for , community activities,  training course, community group events,  school holiday activities and other ideas

Applications should be made to:- secretary@dunaddcc.org – or use the contact form on this website.

Decisions will be made, at the next Community Council meeting following receipt of the form.

Community Fund

Groups can apply for grants between £500 and £5,000 or £5,001 and £25,000. Groups wishing to apply for more than £25,000 must first submit an initial proposal form.

Application deadlines: Are published on the Foundation Scotland Website

Decisions on awards will be made by the Infinis A’Chruach Community Fund Panel, a group of community representatives.

Application forms & guidelines are available at:
