AGM – change of date

Please note the date and time of our next meeting (including AGM) has moved from Wednesday 29th May 2024 to Thursday 30th May 2024 starting at 7pm. The meeting will be held in the Dalriada Mid Argyll Parish Church in Kilmartin. All members of the public are welcome.

Community Council By- Elections

Argyll and Bute council will shortly be holding elections. If you are interested in joining Dunadd Community Council please find the information to join in the link below.

Community Council By-Elections 2 May 2024 | Argyll and Bute Council (

The Nomination period will run from Thursday 7 March to Thursday 21 March 2024 (closing date). Forms must be lodged with the Returning Officer by no later than 4.00pm on Thursday 21 March 2024.

DCC currently has 5 vacancies of which 3 are filled by co-opted members.

If you have any questions please email

Vacancy for secretary

Dunadd Communities Council current secretary, Hazel Fuller will be finishing at the end of March 2024.  We are looking for a secretary to start from the 15th March 2024, our next meeting is the 27th March in Ford.  

DCC meet on the last Wednesday of every 2nd month.  Secretarial duties include –

Creating agendas and distributing these

Taking minutes at meetings and distributing these

Preparing for the AGM and attending and minuting this

Publishing agendas and minutes on the website

Managing Facebook and the website

Dealing with correspondence

Liaising with relevant stakeholders to answer queries from correspondence and meetings

Checking planning applications weekly and publishing these – sending comments, objections or approvals after discussions

Working closely with the chair, treasurer and other community councillors

Salary – this role will be classed as renumeration and the salary will be £60 per meeting.

 Please note you do not need to reside in the Dunadd area to apply for the role however will be expected to attend meetings.

To apply for the role or for any further information, please send a covering letter by email  to There is currently no closing date for applications.