Emergency and Disaster Planning

Dunadd Community Council are looking for volunteers to be part of a steering group to create a document detailing what to do in the event of an emergency or disaster. If this sounds like something you would like to get involved in, please e-mail secretary@dunaddcc.org

In addition to the above, if you have any equipment that could be used in the event of a disaster or an emergency, please log this on the below link. Further updates to follow.


Next Community Council Meeting

Next meeting Community Council meeting is 31st March @ Glassary, Kilmartin, and Ford Parish Church , Kilmartin

Guest this month are Jim Smith, Head of Roads and Amenities and Andrew Baron from the Roads Policing Unit. They have been invited due to the concerns residents have about speeding, parking etc in the villages.

This is a chance to be heard and to get some feedback.