Eredine Wind Farm

Please find below some information regarding Eredine Wind Farm. Comments should be submitted by 19th July. There will be an exhibition and we will publish these dates when we receive them. Thank you.

RWE’s request for a Scoping Opinion to the Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit (ECU) for the proposed Eredine wind farm can now be viewed online.

Documents can be viewed at the Scottish Government’s Energy Consents Unit website by:

–  clicking on Search tab; then,

–  clicking on Simple Search tab; then,

–  typing Eredine into the Search by Project Name box then clicking on Go; then,

–  clicking on ECU00004517 and then clicking on the Documents tab. Please note that the Scoping Report may be on the second page of documents.

Planning Applications

Please see below two planning applications that have been published on the weekly list dated 17th June 2022. The 2nd link is for four houses.

22/00460/PP | Erection of dwellinghouse, installation of sewage treatment plant and formation of vehicular access | Plot 2 Torran Farm Ford Argyll And Bute (

22/00838/PP | Erection of 4 dwellinghouses, installation of private sewage treatement tank, formation of vehicular access and upgrade to existing access | Land North Of Inverliever Lodge Ford Lochgilphead Argyll And Bute PA31 8RH (


June 2024 – DCC will now meet on the third Thursday of every 2nd month. The minutes and agendas of our meetings can be found in the “meetings” section above.

Future meeting dates. All DCC meetings start at 19.30 –

  • 18th July 2024 – Ford Village Hall
  • 19th September 2024 – Kilmartin Parish Church
  • 21st November 2024 – Ford Village Hall
  • 16th January 2025 – Kilmartin Parish Church
  • 20th March 2025 – Ford Village Hall
  • 15th May 2025 – Kilmartin Parish Church (including AGM)

Lynx to Scotland

Vincent Wildlife Trust are hosting an event in Kilmartin Parish Church on Friday 19th November 18.50-21.00

Details of the event and the link to register (it is free) are below.

The Lynx to Scotland study seeks to investigate the social feasibility of the potential for lynx reintroduction to Scotland. It was conceived by Trees For Life and Scotland: The Big Picture, who approached Vincent Wildlife Trust (VWT) to objectively undertake the work. The study aims to engage with stakeholders and communities in the Cairngorms and Argyll to explore the potential opportunities and challenges associated with living with lynx. The study is not attached to a proposal to reintroduce lynx; it is an exploratory exercise to inform the conversation, and to provide some baseline information from which a decision can be made as to whether feasibility should be further investigated. This session will be hosted by VWT. We will share information on who we are, the study, the lynx, and share some of the results of our investigation with stakeholders. This will be followed by facilitated discussion for you to share your views and comment on what you have heard – it is about information exchange and learning. Tea and coffee (and biscuits) will be provided!