Dunadd Community Council – meeting to discuss windfarm Community Benefits/ Shared Ownership schemes

When:  Thursday 18th May 2023

Where: Ford Village Hall

Time:    6pm – 7pm

Dunadd Community Council have been discussing Community Benefit/ Shared Ownership schemes that can come from windfarm developments.  These discussions have focussed on ensuring that funds are used equitably.

As a result of discussions Dunadd Community Enterprise have offered to manage the receipt of applications, conduct due diligence and make recommendations to a separate decision making body made up of residents on proposals.  This is the process that is used in Tarbert & Skipness.  Other options could be to have the funds held by an organisation like Foundation Scotland.

We would like to invite all residents of Dunadd (Kilmichael, Kilmartin, Slockavullin, Ford and the environs) along to get views on how Community Funds should be managed.  This is purely an information gathering session. 

If you are unable to attend the meeting please email any feedback to secretary@dunaddcc.org.

Further information can be found here –

Executive Summary – Community benefits from onshore renewable energy developments – gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

Shared Ownership of Onshore Renewable Energy Developments – gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

We are Local Energy Scotland · Local Energy Scotland

An Carr Dubh Wind Farm Wind Farm proposal – consultation request re application for consent under section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989

Please find below details of the consultation which is open until the 24th May


– click on the Search tab; then,

– click on Simple Search tab; then,

– type  An Carr Dubh into Search by Project Name box and then clicking on Go; then,

– click on ECU00004781 and then clicking on Documents tab then clicking on the Application Documents tab.

Next meeting 30th March 2023

DCC’s next meeting will take place on Thursday 30th March 2023 at 19.30.  This meeting will be face to face and held in the Glassary, Kilmartin and Ford Parish Church, Barrmor View – Kilmartin.   
All members of the public are welcome.  Our agendas and minutes can be found on our website www.dunaddcc.org.
At the next meeting we will be discussing our stance on windfarm proposals and looking at the options for setting up a Community Funding scheme – also on our agenda is traffic calming measures in Kilmartin, Kilmichael and Ford, an update from Kilmartin Museum and Dunadd Community Enterprise.
Dunadd CC are run by volunteers and at our next AGM in May, our current Chair and Treasurer are looking to step down from their roles.  In order for Dunadd CC to continue, we urgently require new members.  We meet every two months via zoom.  Please consider joining.  Come along and chat to us on the 30th March.  Without new members, we are at risk of stopping.

Glasvaar Windfarm Planning Application

Please find the link to the planning application for Glasvaar Windfarm.

22/01380/PP | Construction of wind farm comprising of 11 wind turbines (maximum blade tip height of 149.9 m), formation of new access tracks, erection of substation/control buildings, external transformer, met mast, installation of 2 storage containers and welfare facilities, formation of temporary construction compound and other ancillary infrastructure | Land East Of Kilmartin And North East Of Lochgilphead Argyll And Bute (argyll-bute.gov.uk)